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Consider Abroad!

What You Need to Know

Here at UMass, there are so many different options. If you are interested in studying abroad, keep reading to you want to learn more.

Abroad: Welcome

Where to go

Unsure about whether you want to study abroad in Spain or Latin America? We are here to help.

Learn more about the experiences we had in our travels from Spain to Latin America.



If you are curious about studying abroad in Spain, Click here for stories, advice, and adventures!



If you are curious about studying abroad in Latin America, read the stories, advice, and adventures here!

Scarlet Macaw in South America
Abroad: Features

What to do?

Abroad: Features
Modern Laptop


When it comes to choosing a program for studying abroad, it can be quite overwhelming. Make sure that you are narrowing down your choices based off of your financial needs, classes, and goals! It is also important to consider what types of housing options are available through your program, as well as excursions!

Researching and Writing

Choosing Courses

It is very important to consider courses that will count for your major, or minor while studying abroad. It is best to try to get as many classes to count as possible. Do not over load your schedule while you are studying abroad, it is meant to be an enjoyable experience, not a stressful one!

White and Grey Living Room


Housing abroad can be hard to choose. There are so many options - una residencia, homestays, apartments, dorms, etc. There are pros and cons to each type of housing, but it ultimately comes down to what you are most comfortable with it!

Standing Meeting

Internships abroad

There are so many internships available abroad, but they may seem hard to find! Reach out to your program advisors and coordinators in order to learn about opportunities. There are also many opportunities to work as an English tutor, which can help you improve your Spanish speaking skills as well.


Getting out

When you are abroad, there are a countless amount of opportunities to socialize and get involved in the community. You can join sports teams, go to work out classes, or even a join a gym! Make sure you are taking advantage of everything you possibly can. It will go by very fast!

Dollar Bill in Jar


Many people fear going abroad because of the financial factor. But we are here to tell you...don't stress! There are so many scholarship opportunities such as the Gilman scholarship. Additionally, UMass offers scholarships for their students. A lot of the time, programs will have scholarships that you can apply for, and you can use all of your financial aid towards your tuition!

Learn More
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