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Class of 2019

Blog: Quote

Finding a Purpose.

Finding a Purpose… I know this may sound a bit silly. Finding a purpose as to why you’re going to study abroad. Do you want to travel?...

How to pick what country you go to.

Picking what country I would spend about 6 months it was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make. Why? Because of course you...

When Going Abroad Goes Bad

So you’ve filed the paperwork, payed the enrollment fees, found an apartment, and now you are on your way out of the country for an...

Transfer Advice

Transferring back to UMass was one of the best decisions I've made my whole college career. At first, I came in to Amherst bright-eyed...

Latin America

The majority of Spanish majors who study abroad choose to go to Spain, and that's great! However there are tons of Spanish-speaking...

Salsa Dancing is Academic?

Being able to take a class in one of the other four colleges in the area is something that I’m really glad I took advantage of during my...

Blog: Blog2
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