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Class of 2019

Blog: Quote
Blog: Blog2
  • Dahllia DaSilva.

Finding a Purpose.

Finding a Purpose… I know this may sound a bit silly. Finding a purpose as to why you’re going to study abroad. Do you want to travel? You’re just going so you can try something new?

Before you set off on your new journey I advise you to reflect. Why have you chosen the place you are going to? What do you expect? What are some long-time goals of yours? can you accomplish any of them abroad? Are you traveling alone? can you take advantage of this time being away from everything you know? How can you grow as a person and give yourself a detox? Have you done any research on what’s going to be around you? What things and resources can you really take advantage that you wouldn’t be able to take advantage of at home? Think of questions that will make you dig deeper. It’s okay to go abroad and not have a plan, but if you do have a plan and you’re working toward these goals not only will you grow as a person and learn so much, but you will also feel like you are accomplishing something.

After reflecting a lot and choosing Brazil, I knew my goal was to grow, to find myself and my passions to start a road to a new life. (I know might sound a bit corny.) but it was a big deal for me. It was time that was just for me. A time I can explore with no responsibilities but school. It was perfect. One I’m in a culture I absolutely love, Two I have a chance to create a new routine and actually be able to follow through. Within finding myself I was setting personal goals that I was actively achieving. Every morning I was happy to get up, I had a plan I had a purpose and a goal for the day. I am not going to sit here and say every day was great, because that’s a lie. You will miss family you will miss somethings, but you will also see that your making progress and that your growing and that most days outweigh the bad ones.

The key to it all for me was creating a schedule a plan. Yes, your abroad TRAVEL !!! do not be afraid to travel alone or without other people who are studying abroad or that you meet. The times that you are alone and forced to interact with a stranger can be some of the most life-changing moments in your life. For me, that’s exactly what it was. I have been able to grow so much that I genuinely know I haven’t reached my ultimate goal and should have done a full year abroad. What I do know is that I am way closer to my overall goal and did reach the goal starting the path to finding my meaning in life and my path to finding myself. I intend on taking a year after undergrad and gong abroad, to do this again and fully get into it. I want to find a master’s program or even volunteering for some time.

All this being said I will share a little bit of my experience. For one I knew I wanted to be active so, I went to the gym every day after class, I also did three-hour yoga classes twice a week which, helped tremendously. I was at peace, these two-small changed in my routine were hard initially. I was in a new place with beaches and people and places to explore why should I be in the gym? What needs to be realized is that if you want to feel like a local and get the whole experience you may want a normal routine, you will learn more, rather than having a tourist mentality. Get to know the people around you. I had this routine, but I also implemented traveling and going to the beach after class at least twice a week. The fact that more often than not I was doing this alone, I met so many people who have marked my life forever and changed my way of thinking. Keep in mind you’re in a different country you have a different perspective on life and different appreciations for things. Have an open mind, remember that habits take 2 weeks to form. You may think you don’t like something till you really get into it. I’ve created a new path for myself and I couldn’t be more in love with it. Lastly, an example of not being afraid and traveling I will share this short story about my trip.

I spent my birthday abroad, and by that point, I had so many friends and they wanted to celebrate together, and I asked if anyone wanted to travel, but it was finals for many of them. So, they couldn’t. I decided to Fly out to Rio De Janeiro Alone, knowing no one there and spend my birthday alone. I know weird. But it was one of the best birthdays of my life. I explored, I got time to myself, I learned things I would never have known. I enjoyed my own company and decided to do so many activities during that weekend away alone, and during these activities, I met more people I built more connections. I grew as a person. I challenged myself to step out of my shell. As I had good intentions and an open heart I knew I’d be okay. On this trip, I learned to not care what people think. We all have a goal and a path and sometimes we simply lose sight of that and what makes us happy.

I know this post was a bit everywhere, but the point to give a quick overall summary. Before you go on this trip reflect, set goals, remember that you’re the one on this trip. Its what you want and what you want to take from it. Find your own path and ways to do things you’ve always wanted to do. You never know who you will meet and how they could change your life.

Enjoy your experience abroad and if you can go for a year DO IT! fully emerge make it “home” for a bit. I promise you, you will discover things you have never imagined.

Rio De Janeiro.

Rio de Janeiro

Carnival 2018 Lagoa Da conceição Florianópolis Brasil.

Friends <3

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