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Class of 2019

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Blog: Blog2
  • nbashour

Transfer Student Advice for Spanish Major

First things first. If you weren't a Spanish major previously and you haven't done a significant portion of your Gen. Ed.'s yet, it will probably take you more than four years to graduate. For me personally, it has taken 5. Don't let the FOMO get to you- graduating in five years instead of four is not going to put you significantly behind your peers- after all some people take a gap year after high school. The most important thing you can do is to go see your Career Adviser as soon as possible. Even if you have no idea what you are doing or what you are going to do- still go! It is incredibly helpful, if only to talk about your hopes and fears to someone who has helped thousands of students through the same situations. Also, get to know the professors in your department, not just your advisor. They can lend valuable insight as well as help you network and meet other people who are on a similar career trajectory. Finally, it's important to keep in mind what it is that you truly want to do- since there are so many paths you can take after getting a degree in Spanish its especially necessary to go the route that you feel best suits you.

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